Beat The Bloat

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One of the most popular questions I get is in regards to bloating- why & how it happens, & what you can do to stop it. First things first, bloating is a natural part of digestion that occurs when the bacteria is trying to breakdown our foods, & so there is a certain level that is unavoidable. With that being said, uncomfortable, distended bloating for long period of time can be cause from a list of things so always consult with a professional if you're concerned. For me, bloating was chronic & with every new diet, or food elimination- not much would change. Well, that was until I discovered FOOD COMBINING.

Before I lose you, let me break it down for you real quick (someone out there is dropping a serious beat right now.) All foods are digested at different rates, & when we consume fast digesting foods after slower ones, it's just a big ole mess in our bellies. Understanding when to eat certain foods (aka food combining) can do loads of good for our systems: flatter stomachs, better skin, improved gut health, etc. If you're feeling overwhelmed & like you don't know where to start, try these simple "rules" to follow & see the impact it has!

+ Start your day with melon. This sweet stuff digests in 5 minutes, so the best time of day to consume it is first thing in the AM to ease your digestion into a new day!

+Greens go with errrythang- so no excuses for not getting them in!

+Fruits and greens go really well together(green smoothies helllllo!), but not fruits & grains.

+Try to avoid eating sweet & high-acidic fruits together.

+Water before meals not during, so much.

If this feels restrictive, it's not! I felt so overwhelmed when I started reading about it all, but realized how much of this is completely doable & didn't really interrupt what I was already doing! But making this switch has been one of the best things I've done for my health!