If you’re here, that means you’re probably looking into bringing some oils into your life- & I am so stoked for you! These little bottles of plant juice changed our life and I know they’ll do the same for you. You can read more about all of that here! I’m gonna show you our brand new, super affordable way to welcome these into your home, check it out


When you sign up with this kit, you’ll get:

+ 8 amazing essential oils

+ a cute wooden oil storage rack

+ information packet

+ your wholesale 24% discount

+ welcome packet & gift from me

+ personal referral link to share with friends when they wanna get started! (happens to everyone & you get $50 when they sign up!) 

You’ll also get full access to our amazing oily fam- full of knowledge, resources, & so much community (it’s my favorite part!) We have a facebook group where we chat about how we’re all learning to use our oils & what areas we’re switching out in our lives to be less toxic. It’s such a sweet, safe place to learn all about this new journey. 

Here are the oils you’ll be bringing home. This kit doesn’t come with a diffuser but when you sign up with me, i’ll send you an awesome one to get your started:

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Okay, this part is easy! Click here and follow these next few steps:


1. select "Wholesale Member" rather than "Retail Customer." this gets you your starter kit & 24% off discount

2. choose your starter kit- remember, welcome home kit is $125 and comes with everything above. If you’re looking for a little more bang for your buck, check out the premium starter kit HERE

3. time to set up your essential rewards wellness box! . it is hands down the best/most affordable way to start welcoming a nontoxic lifestyle into your home. SO many free promos, loyalty gifts- and the points back save you BIG.

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This is optional, but I highly, highly recommend it. Like I said, you get an extra free oil & $10 in store credit to use next month! So after you select your kit, click YES where it says “Would you like to enroll in Essential Rewards and earn free products?” Remember, if you need you can cancel at any time with no fees or anything.

Once you’re in the FB group, there's tons of lists of ideas, inspo, etc. for what to add to your first box. You & I can also figure out what's gonna be right for your fam's needs and such- so for now, put a bottle of thieves cleaner & your favorite oil. We can go back & change it later!

4. Now, create your username, password, & pin! (write these now so you can jump back in whenever you need.)

5. Grand finale!! checkout, wait for the confirmation page & start tracking our order now..it’s like the best christmas morning you’ve ever had once it comes. Be sure to reach out & let me know when you grabbed your kit so I can get your diffuser in the mail to you! 

I am SO stoked to become your new oily pal! Feel free to DM me on insta @emilyloutz or shoot me an email at oilsandoranges@gmail.com if you need any help at all!