a little about me..


Mama, wife, athlete, coach, dreamer. Those are a few of the titles I've worn in my 23 years. Now, I live in my hometown of Miami, FL with my beach bums- hubby, Matt, & 2 year old daughter, Joss. A few months ago, I decided I wanted to share my passion for living a wholesome, fulfilled life with this online world. My goal is that you leave here with more than you came with. More knowledge, more resources, more solutions. If you haven't been following along for long, there's alot more to me than my instagram feed might show...

My love for nutrition developed early on, just not in the healthiest way. In high school, I suffered from Anorexia Nervosa & became obsessed with all things food. The why, what, & how of everything that went into my body. As difficult as that season was, it shaped me into who I am & into finding my passions in life. I went on to play Division I Volleyball in Colorado and started studying Exercise Science (stay with me here..). My Junior season, I found out about this little nugget in the picture with me and everything changed- including my major. I decided to switch my focus to solely Nutrition (told you!) Then, after having Joss & finishing my last season of Volleyball- I graduated with my Bachelors in Nutrition & moved back to FL with my new little fam.

Since then, I have discovered a whole new world of wellness, self-care, movement, & toxin-free, conscious living. It's become my greatest love- sharing it, educating on it, & supporting others through it. I am so grateful you're here & can't wait to share this all with you too!