
I wasn’t always someone conscious of “health & wellness” past my plate. Sure, I grew up an athlete- so physical health came naturally. & my mom cooked healthy dinner for us every night, but toxins, chemicals...plants? Lol no, wasn’t me. My thought process a few years back was pretty much ‘we’ll just let future Emily deal with that one.” (Oh how many things I wish I could change now haha) Well, having a baby pretty much changed everything for me. It was like the second she arrived, nothing was safe anymore. I found myself researching e v e r y t h i n g. “What if she accidentally swallows bath water, will that hurt her? What about the cleaning supplies? She can’t be in the house when I’m using them!” I felt so paralyzed about everything around me. Little did I know the answer was about to slap me in the face.


It started with sleep- or should I say lack of. Just like every new mom, Matt & I were telling our parents “she just won’t sleeeeep.” My mother-in-law brought us over a gallon sized bag of these little glass bottles- that at the time I thought were straight witchcraft. Matt & I did not touch them for what had to be weeks. Even though I was looking for some more natural options, I did not think a little bottle of plant juice was where I was going to find them. One night we finally caved & put a little bit of lavender in the diffuser next to the rocking chair & I thought Jesus was in the room with me. After an hour of a screaming fit, Joss finally settled down. Safe to say we used that little bottle of lavender reallll quick. 

It took me a year full year to finally buy my first starter kit. Thing was, I had no idea what to do with them (you can see the oils here). The person I had signed up with didn’t share that frankincense was the ACTUAL fountain of youth, or that lemon would have gotten the red crayon mark off of our fridge. I didn’t know how to use them, so I just didn’t. A few months later I saw this girl sharing about young living & how it was changing her son's immune system. She talked about the DIY’s she makes, the income she started bringing in, & the community of people in her facebook group all sharing their stories & journeys together. I just felt the call to buy another kit & join her team. 


A year & a half later, me & that random insta girl are real life friends. & because of the community I joined- we’ve switched e v e r y t h i n g over to plant based. We roll thieves & frankincense down our spines every day to support our immune system, I spray the dreamiest royal hawaiian sandalwood + rose toner on my face every night before bed, I clean my bathtub & sliding glass doors with the same cleaner concentrate made completely of plants. We don’t go to target anymore because every month our laundry detergent, baby butt cream, healthy energy drinks, & oils to help my wacky hormones & emotions come right to our door (we also get them for free, but we can talk about that another time.) 

If you’re like me & need a place to start, the premium starter kit is it. I know you’re going to find everything you need in that little box to start this journey- & then you’ll have a whole community to help you keep growing in it. The only thing I regret is not trusting these little bottles of plant juice sooner :) xoxo