the sunshine essentials



Essential oils have been used in wellness practices long before the “granola” phase became hip- thouusands of years, actually. While there are tons of companies out there, Young Living’s are the real deal, cream of the crop essential oils. They combat stress, promote strong immunity, aid in sleep & sore muscles, not to mention fight off germs- & so much more. These heavenly smelling bottles of natural & toxin-free plant juice have the ability to transform your entire life.



The PSK (premium starter kit) is hands down the best way to get started- it’s what we joined with! Why? It comes with:

+ 12 best, most popular oils (check them out here!)

+ diffuser of your choice

+ thieves sanitizing spray

+ thieves hand sanitizer

+ ningxia antioxidant drink (look this up!)

+ 24% wholesale member discount

Oh & all of it is for less than half the wholesale price.

Best part is you’ll become a part of our oily fam. You’ll join our facebook group with tons of recipes, ideas, resources, & so much community. There’s literally hundreds of other oilers asking questions and sharing their journeys! Once you get you kit, I’ll send you an email to plug you into all this, as well as:

+ super helpful virtual walk through of your starter kit

+ a welcome package from me with my favorite “bottle of sunshine”, some super useful handouts, & a note to welcome you in!

+ your personal referral link to share with your friends when they want in (it happens lot, & you get $50 referral bonus when they use it!)

It’s so easy to get started. Just click the link below and head to the bottom of this page for the step-by-step!



This is my favorite part of YL & when the fun really gets started. Essential Rewards (ER) is Young Living’s loyalty program. When you join, you earn 10-25% back in point each month to use on future orders. You also get the monthly freebies, & they do not hold out on those. 

Why? I know it seems intimidating signing yourself up for a monthly subscription box- but let me explain to you why this is different. 


+ No strings attached, meaning you can cancel anytime (but you prob never will haha.)

+ What you're ordering isn’t extra “stuff” you don't need. Our wellness box is filled with our all natural & plant based cleaning supplies, new oils we need or want to try out, supplements to support the gaps in our nutrition or other things we might have going on, or just basic personal care products we’re out of. See, most of us know now-a-days that what we’re buying in the store is filled with harsh toxins & chemicals. & it’s not that we don’t care to find better- it’s overwhelming (& pricey) to switch it all out at once. Using ER, you can take the process slow & make small switches each and every month. We even have a “one year to a healthy home” guide that lives in our facebook group. It doesn’t have to be scary & expensive- that’s why I love Essential Rewards so much.

When you get your starter kit with ER, you also automatically get a free promo item & 10 points towards future order- all for the same price. No brainer.


Okay, this parts easy! First, click here and follow these next few steps:


1. select "Wholesale Member" rather than "Retail Customer." this gets you your starter kit & 24% off discount for the year

2. choose your starter kit & diffuser of choice. We have the dessert mist in 2 rooms & it’s amazing. Tons of light settings, even candle flicker mode thats straight dreamy. If you’re thinking of getting fancy- grab the aria (the pretty wood and glass one!) It’s definitely the cheapest way to get it!

3. time to set up your wellness box! (the ER thing we talked about). it is hands down the best/most affordable way to start welcoming a nontoxic lifestyle into your home. SO many free promos, loyalty gifts- and the points back save you BIG.

this is optional, but i highly, highly recommend. Like I said, you get free product & $10 in store credit to use next month! So after you select your kit- select your kit, click YES where it says “Would you like to enroll in Essential Rewards and earn free products?” Remember, if you need you can cancel at anytime with no fees or anything.

Once you’re in the FB group, theres tons of lists of ideas, inspo, etc. for what to add to your first box. You & I can also figure out what gonna be right for your fams needs and such- so for now, put a bottle of thieves cleaner & your favorite oil. We can go back & change it later!

4. Now, create your username, password, & pin! (write these now so you can jump back in whenever you need.)

5. Grand finale!! checkout, wait for the confirmation page & start tracking our order’s like the best christmas morning you’ve ever had once it comes.

I am SO stoked to become your new oily pal! Feel free to DM me on insta @emilyloutz or shoot me an email at if you need any help at all!