Sensitive Teeth Whitening Solution

YUP, a teeth whitening system for sensitive teeth…that actually WORKS.


I’ve been plagued with sensitive teeth for as long as I can remember. From being the kid who could never bite the popsicle before it melted, to having to walk outside with my mouth closed during Colorado winters. It never really posed a huge problem until I began to realize the toll my two vices (coffee & red wine anyone?) were having on my sensitive smile. I tried every over the counter toothpaste & at-home strips/kits I could get my hands on- but nothing lasted more than a week before my teeth had had enough.

After pretty much giving up on the thought I’d ever have that white “glow” back, this sweet soul popped into my mailbox & shared my saving grace with me. Smile Brilliant! The last few weeks I have been trying out their at-home whitening system & could not be more thrilled to finally share it with out all. Let me share a few of my highlights before I dive in:

+ They are a vegan & cruelty free company who is committed to eliminating harsh animal testing from the cosmetics world.

+ They offer 6 different kit option- 3 for sensitive teeth & 3 for non-sensitive teeth. (spoiler alert: their sensitive kit actually works!)

+ The whole process is done, start to finish, from the comfort of your own home!

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The first thing you’ll do to get started is head to their website & check out their whitening systems. Like I said, there are 6 different options based on sensitive/non-sensitive teeth & the degree of stains you have- heavy, average, or light. Don’t worry about choosing the wrong one, because you can always order more whitening gel separately after receiving your kit!

After you’ve ordered you kit, the next step will be taking your imprints once you receive your box! I was TERRIFIED about messing this up, but the process could not be simpler. They send you your impression material (plus extra in case you mess up), instructions, & even tips for the best results. 5-10 minutes & the whole process is finished. You’ll send them back in the pre-labeled envelope & wait for your molds!

Once you have your molds, you’re ready to start whitening. I decided to whiten every other day for 1 hour before bed. You can go for a longer duration & even do it every day for quicker results, but this worked best with my schedule. First, you will apply a thin line of the whitening gel to your molds and keep them in for your desired duration. Once that’s done, do the same with your desensitizing gel for about 15-20 minutes and you’re done! Give your teeth a good brush & head on-to bed.


Unfortunately, because of the recent news of baby #2 I was not able to finish my whole system (just staying on the safe side!) What I will tell you from the 2 weeks of trial, this whole system could not be an easier & more effective way to safely and comfortably  whiten your teeth at home. (Plus, my teeth definitely got a little glow up!)


I fell in love, so I’m giving one of you the chance to try it for free! Click the link below to enter for your chance to win. If you’re like me & can’t wait, you can use the code “emilyloutz15” for 15% off your own system. I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

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