7 Self-Care Practices to Adopt this Fall


“Fall-la-la-la-la” is in. Maybe it’s just the Florida girl in me who wakes up to 80 degrees Jan-Jan, but it seems like ever since pumpkin spice everything came about, & instagram influencers started sharing wardrobe capsules- fall has become the new “it” season (Is that a thing? Apparently, yes.) Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cozy diffuser blend and a cold morning by the fire with my fuzzy cardigan, but for a lot of us this season is a trigger. Actually 64% of us, to be exact, feel an overwhelming weight that takes over during these last 3 beautiful months. A time that is so joyous- filled with magic, spirit, & love- can take turn fast.

  • Darker & cooler temps

  • Financial pressure from parties, costumes, travel.

  • Too much or too little family time.

  • Endless parties, or no invitation. 

  • Stress & our coping relationships with alcohol & food.

These struggles are real, but it doesn’t have to be the story this year. There is so much freedom found in learning our warning signs and having practice put in place to control them. Giving ourselves the love & care that we so willingly give everyone else this season can create a relationship and an experience we might not have had in a long time. It doesn’t have to be scary, it doesn’t have to cost much- it just takes you willing to dedicate a few moments for you & no one else (even you, mamas!) Here are 7 tips for better self-care this season:


1.) Guided Meditation. A season of busy in an already fast paced world requires some quiet moments of balance & peace. Cool part is, it’s as easy as taking 10 minutes before the big family dinner, finding a place to sit up tall & pressing play. Guided meditations walk you through the steps of the meditation practice and allow you to deepen your own connection with yourself. Why is it so powerful?

  • It has the ability to access our subconscious that controls trillions of cells and systems in our bodies)- heart rate, hormones, brain fog, etc.

  • It balances the stress hormone cortisol, which has a big impact on our thyroid health (aka metabolism!)

  • Helps regulate blood sugar.

  • Slows down the brain chatter giving a better sense of focus and clarity. 

I have been using Glo.com (yoga, pilates, & meditation) and just love how many different practices there are and how intentional they are. There are also tons of free ones on YouTube and all over the internet! 

2.) Movement. Of course we all know the physical benefits to exercise, but what it does for our brains is equally as important. If you think you don’t have time during this season to get yourself moving, here’s a few sure fire motivators for you:

  • Confidence! When is the last time you felt bad about yourself after a good yoga class, or a fun workout? That’s because accomplishing something we know is benefiting us is a perfect storm for a self-esteem boost.

  • Decreased stress levels. Raising our heart rate releases norepinephrine, helping clear our heads, lower our stress levels, & boost our mood.

  • Decreased anxiety and depression. Just like we release norepinephrine, exercise also helps release endorphins- the feel good hormones, to help seriously improve our emotional state 

  • More energy. That sluggish, gloomy day mode doesn’t stand a chance at what exercise can do. Struggling to start? Find a good pump up playlist or podcast to get you off your booty and just start moving.

3.) Waking up before the sun. Whether family is in town, there’s another classroom costume party, or holiday shopping needs to get done- moments alone aren’t easily accessible unless we create them. I’ve found that it’s really hard to have a bad start to your day when you get up to witness those magical sunrise hours, with just the sound of the morning stillness. The rush of the day starts so quick for most of us, leaving us feeling like we can never catch up. When we create that extra time for just us, we instantly feel more accomplished & the slow start sets a tone for the rest of our day. Whether it’s one hour or just 10 minutes for meditation- find a way to set that alarm just a bit earlier. 

4.) No phone for the first 30 minutes. We are surrounded by technology, and connected to us is a miniature computer that is waiting for us to open it up and start the comparison game that has become social media. You don’t need to see a picture of the halloween party you weren’t invited to first thing in the morning. Let your day start presnt & with mindfulness.

  • Create a 30 minute morning routine that allows you that tie to be disconnected.

  • Get a gratitude journal and make that the first thing you do, uninfluenced by the day or others around you. 

  • Buy an alarm clock in you’re tempted to scroll as soon as the alarm app goes off.

  • Whatever you have to do to start your day in the present moment you’re living in, just do it & thank yourself later.

5.) Essential Oils. Our limbic system is the power plant for all our emotions, moods, memory, etc. and the only way to access it is from smell- queue essential oils. These bottles of plant juice have some incredible abilities at releasing negative emotional patterns.

  • Emotions have specific vibrational frequencies, just like our organs do, & those emotions like to store themselves deep in those corresponding places in our bodies. High quality essential oils have such strong frequencies, they’re actually able to release those stored emotions from us- pretty amazing!

  • Many oils, such as frankincense, cedarwood and sandalwood, have sesquiterpenes that can pass our blood-brain barrier giving more oxygen to our limbic system & in turn pumping out more good things. Like antibodies, endorphins, & neurotransmitters. 

  • Emotional trauma is stored in a part of our brain known as the amygdala. The only way to access that is by smell, so with essential oils we are actually able to release that trauma & start to move past it. 

I like to make little rollers of different oil blends and keep them in my bags so whenever I need some emotional support, I have a tangible tool I know will support me! 

6.) Journaling. Another way to stay present in your feelings and take care of your emotions this season is by writing it all out. There is something so therapeutic about putting a pen to paper and just letting our minds run wild. Whether you are journaling from a prompt, a verse from scripture, or just letting your mind run wild- putting those thoughts that we don’t always know what to do with down on paper helps us to evaluate them and be present in what we are feeling. 

7.) Don’t ‘B’ ‘D’eficient! Last but certainly not least is checking your blood levels to make sure you’re not deficient in anything. Vitamin D & Vitamin B are 2 of the most common deficiencies in America, especially during the winter months, and depression & anxiety are two very common side effects. Get out in nature & get some sunlight, eat more dark leafy greens & find some good supplements if you need too. Regardless, just make sure you’re keeping your body fueling & nourished with what it needs to help you enjoy this magical time of year!