side gig

A Peek Into Running A Young Living Business


Two years ago, we bought a box of oils after watching our 18 month old lick who knows what off of our freshly cleaned floors. That moment made me think to myself “is what I’m using in my home really safe?” From the moment my starter kit arrived, I dove all in learning how we could use young living to support our families' wellness. Behind the scenes of my digging, I saw this community happening around me. Moms, students, nurses, teachers- all connecting and building friendships by sharing these products with others. That “community” was something I so badly needed. I was a new mom, working long hours, stuck in this financial hole it felt like we were never going to get out of. After a few weeks of watching, I decided to rip the bandaid and find out what this other side was all about, and thank goodness I did. 

Getting started in the business looks different for everyone. Some start slow, just sharing here and there, while others go all in right away. No one way is better than the other, but I took the latter. I started sharing how we use our products in our day to day through social media and tapping into my warm markets, because honestly, I couldn’t get these products into peoples hands fast enough. We started to grow pretty quick which allowed me to step back from full-time work and be home more with Joss. That in itself felt like I had won the lottery. Little did I know that was just the beginning to what has morphed into running and educating a team of over 1600 families on their own wellness journeys. 

I want to break down for you how running this business works. The reasons it worked for me are not going to be the same reasons it works for you, but if you buy into the potential, dream bigger than you think is actually possible, and stay authentic to yourself throughout the journey- you’ll find your success. 

How The Business Works- Quick & Dirty Version


Whether you want to replace your income or just get your oils paid for, it all starts with a starter kit. By getting this, you become a member of young living, receive a 24% discount of all of their 600+ products, and get a personalized referral link. When you share that link with others who purchase a starter kit of their own, you earn a $50 commission check. From then on, they are a member of your “downline” and you will forever earn a commission off of anything they purchase (4-8% depending on where they are within your organization.) Along with that, you will also earn commission off of anyone your downline members enroll, who their downline members enroll, etc. Now this isn’t some pyramid scheme where all the money lies at the top. The compensation plan is set up so that the people who are constantly working to grow their teams and teach others how to do the same, earn the commission they deserve regardless of where they are within someone’s organization.

Requirements For Your Business

Let’s talk about what’s required of you. Young Living as a company does not have any monthly quotas you need to meet in order to stay an active member. To keep your membership & 24% discount active, you just need to spend 50PV ($50) a year on product. Now, receiving your paycheck can be explained two-fold. Remember that $50 bonus you get for enrolling someone with a starter kit? In order to be eligible for that bonus check, you have to spend 50PV total ($50) in that month. To earn the 4-8% commission off on any items outside of that starter kit purchase, you need to spend a total of 100PV ($100) in that month. The reason they do this is for customer satisfaction. Anyone can go around sharing their link with the world and enrolling people for an easy $50. But Young Living wants to know that the person a member is starting their journey with is going to be a resource for them. Putting that monthly allowance assures YL that you are actively trying to incorporate this “lifestyle” into your home. 

This isn’t $100 you are spending on oils every month. It’s money that you were spending on cleaners, laundry detergent, lotions, baby wipes, etc., at Target or Walmart (filled with toxins and chemicals you don’t need in your home) that you’re now purchasing from Young Living, where you can trust that the quality and ingredients are safe, all while earning 10-25% back in rewards points. You also are never required to “collect” your paycheck, so if one month came around & you decided you didn’t want to, your opportunity will still be there the following month. 

How To Run Your YL Business

The goal of this business is simple: enroll members, educate them on how to use their products, and teach them how to do the same for others if they wish. This isn’t something you do alone. As soon as you join you are plugged into a community filled with resources and education on both the products and the business. We have mentorships, team calls, classes, group threads, etc to plug you in and give you every resource available to be successful. Whether you decide to take advantage of those is totally up to you.

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This business is an opportunity you’re given to help others succeed and in turn, find your own success. It’s not a business you need a lot of time for, it’s built in 5 minute increments where you can find them. The learning curve is quick for those willing to catch the vision, but not everyone can do that. It’s not some get rich quick scheme, it takes consistency, building relationships with the incredible people you’ll meet along the way, and hard work. But it’s freaking fun & more fulfilling than most things you’ll do in life. We dove in head first 2 years ago and just reached the rank of Platinum in November- something I dreamed of when first getting started but never imagined could be our reality. I know the idea of an MLM is scary when you’re on the outside because I was there, too. But it doesn’t have to be sleezy or scheme-y, we’re not about that on our team. There’s no cold calls or rundowns, just authentically sharing these products with the people we love most. Welcoming this opportunity and sharing it with others has completely changed the trajectory of our lives, and we would love to bring you along in that.  

If you made it all the way through this and you’re ready to take that leap, grab your kit and let’s get you going. I can’t wait to see what the journey has in store for you!