Transitioning to Plant-Based Living

Top 5 Tips for Transitioning to Plant-Based Living


“So, are you vegan now?” This is one of the first things my family or friends ask me when they see me now-a-days. First off, isn’t crazy how we all associate our food patterns with a label? Gluten-free, paleo, pescatarian, vegan, keto, etc. I hope someday, we’re all so aligned with what is nourishing and wholesome, that we don’t need a label- but until then, I will classify my lifestyle as plant-based. I feel like this title gets thrown around a lot without a real understanding of what it is, so let’s talk about that. A whole foods plant-based diet is one that consists of all minimally processed foods, mainly plants (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts & seeds) and limits OR avoids animal products. How is this different from vegan? Well, Veganism completely eliminates the consumption or use of any animal products. Some would refer to it as a stricter lifestyle, but I think it goes back to the foundation behind it being rooted in things much deeper than just health benefits.


As with anything, making the transition to something entirely new to you can come with its share of obstacles. From internal doubts, criticism from peers, to just straight lack of knowledge on what the heck you’re getting yourself into- it can feel so intimidating being on the outside looking in. Like everyone else I’m sure you could speak to, I went through this myself. But as challenging & difficult some moments have been, I have learned more about myself, my body, & my mind than I knew I was capable of. The lessons I’ve learned along the way have far outweighed the struggles, & I’m only about a year in! So with all that being said, I want to share with you 5 things I’ve learned that I feel will make this transition a bit smoother for you and hopefully take some of the stress out along the way!

  • Find your WHY & own it with conviction.

    • Look, some people are going to think you’re crazy. They’re going to tell you it’s impossible to get adequate diet from eating “bird food”, they’re going to make jokes about all the salads you must eat & call you crunchy. While the majority of them are doing so simply because they wish they could, you have to define for yourself why it is you’re doing this. Be so deeply rooted in the health benefits your searching for, the hormone support you crave, or the environmental sustainability you’re supporting that when the criticism comes, it doesn’t sway you. With that being said, understand that the way you feel about your lifestyle is the same way others feel about theirs- so I recommend always coming into conversations from a place of love, never looking for a chance to prove yourself to someone else. Don’t let that into your energy space.

  • Add things in before you take things out!

    • If you’re like me, you have zero self-control & once you decide something, you HAVE to go all in. Having done this myself, deciding to cut out the majority of meat (and pizza) from your diet and replace it with plants overnight isn’t something that I would recommend. Start sloooow. Add a big, big bowl of leafy greens before dinner, drink a green smoothie before you eat your eggs. Learning what kind of food to prepare & how you feel when you eat it will make the transition so much more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.  Eventually, you’ll be switching out full meals, then days, & the scariness of it all won’t feel so bad because it’s familiar to you.

  •  Set yourself up for success (affordably)

    •  I know seeing food hauls of produce seems terrifyingly expensive, but I promise, we spend less on groceries by ALOT as a family of 3 then we did when animal products were a staple part of our diets. One of the ways we saved the most was switching to Whole Foods (not sponsored). With their Amazon Prime deals, you get fresher produce with less plastic packaging for dollars cheaper than other grocery stores. You can also buy things like oats, rice, flour, dates, nuts, seeds, & beans in bulk which saves you big (& looks super cute when stored in your mason jars ;) ) If you want to buy all organic but can’t make it fit the budget right now, focus on just buying the “dirty dozen” organic. Remember, a thicker peel means more protection from chemicals and fertilizers so don’t stress if you have to get those things regular for now!


  • Expose yourself to like minded people!

    • This has to be one of the most important things I have done to keep myself motivated. Shortly after going plant-based, I took a deep dive into my why & figured out what else was going to accompany that. Yoga, movement, mindfulness, sustainability, humans with an open, intentional outlook on life. I wanted to be surrounded by people who are searching for a deeper purpose for being here. I went through & cleaned house on my social media- only following people who aligned with what I was striving for. I found podcasts I could learn from & fill my headspace with, documentaries that could continue to teach me more. I found a new church, went to yoga, even started meditating a few times a week. These are things I had never imagined myself doing, but I made it easy for myself because it’s all I was surrounded with!

  • Be kind to yourself & accept your journey!

    • Understand that early on, you’re probably going to have what you’ll call, “failures.” But that’s not the truth! You are not defined to this set of guidelines, you are human. Everything you are doing is not for an appearance you put on for others, it’s for YOU. For you health, your happiness, & your values. Don’t stick yourself in a box of ‘can’s & “can’ts”. This is where the other side of social media comes in. It can be a judgement trap for ourselves. “My smoothies aren’t as creative, food hauls aren’t as colorful”, & so on & so on. What you have to remember is this journey is YOURS and is as individual as you are. Be kind & grateful for the journey you’re taking yourself on, because it’s going to teach you lessons & qualities about yourself you will be so proud of. I believe in you, sis, & I’m behind you the whole way!

    - Em