5 Benefits of Incorporating HIIT (BONUS: at-home workout)


SO, as promised to my newsletter peeps..I did a workout video. This might have been one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever clicked publish too, but DOING IT SCARED. Anyways. I have a deep, burning love for HIIT workouts. Only have 15 minutes? HIIT. No gym membership? HIIT. Have to workout while your child is taking a bath? HIIT!! (True story #momlife) Not only are they convenient, they’re actually super beneficial to mix in for our overall wellness. Here are 5 ways HIIT can benefit your health:

  1. METABOLISM BOOST: HIIT training is a form of anaerobic exercise, meaning we are being fueled the energy stores IN our bodies. This allows our metabolism to stay elevated for hours after our workouts. Why? Because we are constantly working to replace those energy stores and restore our muscles! 

  2. TONE UP & BURN UP: When you’re really pushing your muscle & capacity in these workouts, you’re not only building lean muscle tissue- you’re also really effectively burning fat. Both “surface level”  like your abdominal region, but also visceral, which is the kind that can surround our organs. 

  3. COME ONE, COME ALL: That’s right, HIIT is such a great way for everyone of every shape, size, & fitness level to kick their booty into gear (literally). It can be done for varying durations, work to rest ratios, amount or lack of equipment required. So everyone from the active stay-at-home moms, to the corporate bosses who haven’t hit the gym in years can find their fit with this regimen. 

  4. HEALTHY HEART: HIIT has been shown to increase fitness, improve cholesterol levels, improves/stabilize blood sugar levels & improve BMI- all huge factors in cardiovascular health & the prevention of cardiovascular disease. 

  5. MENTAL GAME: This is something I personally have gotten from HIIT, but I know many more people have said similar things- relying on YOURSELF to determine your workload is hard. It pushes us to obtain a sense of belief, motivation, & confidence that we are capable of more than we think. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS, but only if we put ourselves in situations to challenge our capacity- mentally & physically. 

Okay, now onto this weeks workout. Feel free to adapt whatever you need to to make it comfortable & safe for you, just get it DONE. (If you need help with some modifications, DM me @emilyloutz or email emilyloutz@gmail.com!) 

SORRY for the legit worst lighting ever lol, but better done that perfect! When you're crunched for time & space- pull this one out & GET IT IN.


+ 20 reps Kickbacks (each side)

+ 20 rep fire hydrants (each side)

+ 15 reps straight leg rainbows (each leg)

+ 1 min jump rope variations

HIIT (40sec ON/15sec OFF)

** feel free to adjust the work/rest time for whatever works for you. Start with 30/30 and work your way up, just get it in!

+ Burpees

+ Squat (w/ band)

+ Alt. depth lunge jumps 

+ Chaturanga push-ups

+ Mountain climbers to knee ups (10/10)

+ Side plank w/ twist (right)

+ Side plank w/ twist (left) 

NOTE: be sure to really focus on keeping your pelvis tucked into your belly button, flat back and core locked out during these exercises. I have bad hips so my form is a little off on the fire hydrants & rainbows but focus in on that. Slow & steady!

Who’s doing it today?! Xoxo, Em